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Orchestral Music

A Soldier's Symphony

Three-movement work for Symphony Orchestra

PDF Score

Sonata Allegro - NotePerformer
00:00 / 00:00
II. Passacaglia - NotePerformer
00:00 / 00:00
III. Rondo - NotePerformer
00:00 / 00:00

Three Aspects

One-movement work for Symphony Orchestra

Recorded by Royal Scottish National Orchestra

Directed by Mikel Toms

Released on Ablaze Records, Orchestral Masters, Vol. 10

PDF Score


Jason Phillips states that whilst his work Three Aspects is not programmatic, it does depict his journey from darkness as a combat veteran, to one of light and music. It generally has an anti-war theme. There are many different ideas and moods in this work, and sometimes it sounds quite frenetic and at other times serene. The work is about twenty minutes long, but one easily follows the progress of the work as the composer has a good idea of structure and, like all of the works here, he uses the orchestral palate well. This is quite a powerful work.

- Geoff Pearce, CD Spotlight

If Three Aspects is a somewhat flavorless title, the music is anything but. I'd call it the strongest work in the collection, along with Holmes's Straumr. As different as they are, violence and wrenching emotion are present in each. Phillips uses more conventional means, but manages to wrestle with subconscious forces in a way that holds the listeners rapt attention (I was reminded of Nielson's Fifth Symphony, in which the violent, chaotic outburst of the clarinet and snare drum exist under and over soaring melody). Phillips's piece justifies its length by being varied, constantly engrossing, and emotionally gripping. I hope he makes it far in his journey. 

- Huntley Dent, Fanfare Magazine, Jan/Feb 2024

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